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Mi, 07.08.2024
Doors: 20h, Start: 20.30h

Nachricht für Kurzentschlossene: Es gibt genügend Tickets an der Abendkassa.

How does one gauge the success of a band pushing the envelope of a genre that receives little to no credit by the mainstream media? In the case of A Wilhelm Scream, the answer is “Who cares?” – As a band playing punk rock for over a decade, members Trevor Reilly, Nuno Pereira, Nick Angelini, Brian Robinson and Mike Supina haven’t focused on success, image or whatever bandwagon a group can jump on to get their music into the ears of listeners: It’s the ideal of music from an honest place, playing to the kids who want to hear more than a simple love song, or want an opinion rammed down their throats.
Despite operating just below the radar A Wilhelm Scream have carved out a reputation as one of the best live bands around, bolstered by their staggeringly rich albums of ultratechnical melodic punk rock firestorms. Playing 250+ worldwide shows each year, the band posses a work ethic best described as ‘heroic’.

DEATH BY STEREO is an aggressive metal/hardcore hybrid from Southern California, who took its name from a line in the 1987 vampire flick The Lost Boys. The band's lineup underwent numerous changes throughout its careeer, but the guys always persevered with a "never give up, never give in" mantra held close. After getting together in 1996 and releasing a demo and 7", Efrem Shulz (vocals), Paul Miner (bass), Jim Miner (guitar), Keith Barney (guitar) (who'd replaced original guitarist Ian Fowles), and Jarrod Alexander (drums) debuted in spring 1999 on Indecision Records with If Looks Could Kill, I'd Watch You Die. That fall, after a summer spent touring behind the record, Barney left to concentrate more time with his other bands, and , while Alexander departed to pursue music full-time at the Berklee School of Music. Drummer Tim Bender and former guitarist Dan Palmer signed on in their places, as the band watched their fan base quickly grow. Epitaph was watching too and soon signed them up. Death by Stereo's sophomore effort, Day of the Death, appeared in the spring of 2001; Bender exited Death by Stereo following subsequent tour dates and was replaced by Todd Hennig (, Seven Years War). Into the Valley of Death followed two years later. By 2005's Death for Life, their third album for Epitaph, the Death by Stereo lineup had shifted to include Shulz, Palmer, Henning, guitarist Tito, and bassist Tyler Rebbe. The band didn't slow down, and in March 2007, the live album Death Alive was issued through Reignition Records, recorded in Anaheim during their previous Into the Valley of Death tour.
Do, 15.08.2024
Doors: 20h, Start: 20.30h

Glitterer is a band from Washington, D.C. Initially, and for some time, it was a solo project: a man and his laptop, with occasional in-studio and onstage assistance from other human beings. Four records, including two full-length albums on Anti-, were released in that one-guy period. But now Glitterer is a band: four charter members writing and recording songs and performing them at shows together, driving around the country, getting on each other’s nerves. Road cases piled in the van. Soundcheck at 5 p.m. Merch in the back. A band. You’re familiar with bands? Glitterer is one of those. They play loud melodic post-hardcore rock music that can sometimes seem simple but is always subtly weird and complex. Their new 12-song LP, Rationale, will be out on Anti- on Feb. 23, 2024.

So, 18.08.2024
Straight outta Hastings south coast UK, the four sisters who deliver adrenaline-fueled Punk-Rock; Maid of Ace consisting of Alison Cara Elliott (Lead vocals/Guitar), Anna Coral Elliott (Vocals/Guitar), Amy Catherine Elliott (Bass/Vocals) and Abby Charlotte Elliott (Drums). Marking their first ever show as the bands birth, back in 2005 at the high-school they all attended. Accelerating though years of beers, bruises and ear battery, with life naturally masking their sound. The band started to take things more seriously around 2012, Not long after meeting friend Mark Richards (ex BMX/skate videographer) who DJ'd at the local night-club they all pulled-pints at. They eventually got together and shot their first music video 'Enemy Within'. In 2014 the band Self-released their debut album 'Maid Of Ace', Described by critics as 'Far from perfect but still kicks almost everything else out there square in the nuts!'. Continuing to make a name for themselves across the globe, the hard-hitting siblings have become an indestructible unit and a force to be reckoned with. known best for their live energy, raw sound and Straight-to-the-point Punk Rock. Milestones include their 2014 YouTube hit 'Bone Deth' topping 2 million views, Playing Glastonbury festival 2015 and their 2nd LP 'Maid In England' earning its place at No 9 in 'Vive Le Rock' Magazine's 'Top 50 Albums of 2016', they have since smashed this with their latest album 'Live Fast or Die' ranking in as 'Vive Le Rocks' 6th best album of 2020. The noise is getting louder...Look out world!

Sa, 24.08.2024
Doors: 20h, Start: 20.30h

DAS TROJANISCHE PFERD steht seit einer kleinen Ewigkeit für herzhaft unverblümten Chanson-Punk aus Wien. Die Band um Mastermind Hubert Weinheimer ist gleichermaßen berüchtigt für ihre blutige Inbrunst als auch für ihre poetisch feingliedrigen Auswüchse: "Wien brennt", "Idiotenlied" ,"Fahrstuhlmusik", "Es geht si aus" - um ein paar verkannte Superhits ins Feld zu führen. Nach der Veröffentlichung von Gunst (2020) wurde es Covid-bedingt etwas ruhiger um die Band, aber jetzt gibt es erste neue Lieder, die wir an diesem Abend bereits hören werden!
HUBERT WEINHEIMER – Gitarre/Keyboard & Gesang / JUDITH FILIMÓNOVA – Bass/Keyboard & Gesang
DER FALTER: „Das Trojanische Pferd brennt an beiden Enden. (…) Weinheimer kultiviert eine reizvolle Form schroffer Theatralik und weiß in ansprechend eigensinnigen Texten Untergangsfantasie und Größenwahn überzeugend zu einen, dünnhäutig und bockig zugleich.“
MUSIKEXPRESS: „Das nächste musikalische Schwergewicht aus Wien.“
FM4: „Lieder, die die ganze Welt in den Abgrund reißen – theatralisch und selbstironisch zugleich.“

HANS IM GLÜCK war 2012 die tanzbarste Indieband des Landes. Remmidemmi-Perlen wie „Schwing mit“ und „Ich muss raus“ hätten Hits werden können, aber ebenso plötzlich wie die Band auftauchte, war sie bereits ein Jahr später wieder verschwunden… HANS WAGNER – in erster Linie bekannt als der Kopf von NEUSCHNEE, aber auch Gründungsmitglied beim TROJANISCHEN PFERD & Produzent der ersten beiden Alben von PIPPA – war der Sänger dieser Band und er packt zu besonderen Anlässen den Glitzeranzug wieder aus! Er eröffnet den Abend solo und vielleicht lässt er sich sogar noch überreden, das Cello einzupacken und Das Trojanische Pferd bei einer Handvoll Liedern als Spezial-Gast zu begleiten… Bereits im Februar 2023 kam es im Chelsea zu einer kleinen "Re-Union". Wer dort gewesen ist, hat es nicht vergessen.
So, 25.08.2024
Doors: 19.30h, Start: 20h

High-pitched screams, low-pitched growls, and clean voices are mixed in an exquisite balance, and the songs, which incorporate various elements such as metalcore and Djent, have evolved in a unique direction since Broken By The Scream’s debut.

Die französische Black Metal Band eröffnet den Abend.

Do, 29.08.2024
Zum Ende des heißen Sommers gibt es nochmal ein cooles Pop Culture Quiz im Chelsea.
Am Donnerstag, dem 29.8, könnt ihr wieder euer Pop Culture Wissen unter Beweis stellen und tolle Preise absahnen. Mit Fragen über alte Filmklassiker und moderne Blockbuster, Bücher und Videospiele, Musik und Serien, ist hier für jeden was dabei.
Zu gewinnen gibt es Getränkegutscheine fürs Chelsea, die jederzeit für eines unserer Getränke eingelöst werden können und für den 1. Platz gibt es noch zusätzlich eine Flasche Whiskey!
1. Platz: 5 Getränkegutscheine pro Teammitglied + 1 Flasche Whiskey
2. Platz: 3 Getränkegutscheine pro Teammitglied
3. Platz: 2 Getränkegutscheine pro Teammitglied

Startzeit: 19:30
Teamgröße: 3–5 Mitglieder

Anmeldungen für eine Platzgarantie bitte per E-Mail mit Namen und Teamgröße an
Sa, 31.08.2024
STEVO & THE SHOTLIGHTS is the new band of notorious Reverend Backfash guitar-slinger Stevo Cannonball reinforced by members of Non-Stop-Robot & Turbobier. Both the frst („Wrong Kind Of Vitamin“, may 2023) and the second single („I'd Kill For Some“, september 2023) were released on Pogo's Empire and distributed through Sony Music on all digital platforms.
STEVO AND THE SHOTLIGHTS sound like Turbonegro, Backyard Babies or The Wildhearts – back when they were wild & thirsty.

ORANGE SKIES: A young all-female pop/rock band from Vienna, Austria which combines a classic rock sound of the 70s with the pop sound of today's music.